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Contact Person Giuseppe Brasa
GINOS is a manufacturing company located in Rovereto, Northern Italy and specialized for more than 20 years in providing a wide range of semi-finished products for HORECA and Food Service business in  Italy  and abroad.
With more than 450 articles we can offer a big variety of food items starting from  Antipasto up to  Desserts, preserved in tin of 1 kg and 3 kg, with a long shelf life
Most of the raw materials are originally from  Italy,  processed during the season and canned directly in our facilities in the South of Italy or in the North, according to the different items.
Today we export successfully in different countries like Spain, Poland, France, Greece, UK, Czeck Rep., UAE,  HK, Japan, South Korea, USA and Canada.
I invite you to visit our website where you can discover all  information of the whole range and technical sheets of each product  and if you need more information, do not hesitate to contact me or my office

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