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Hemp Pasta Buonissima

  • 5864
Contact Person Bruno Rutigliano

Hemp pasta – Gluten free – Wholemeal – Wheat – Senatore Cappelli – 100% Italian

Make a Healthy Choice – eat hemp pasta, made with Italian wheat! 

High in Protein

Hemp seed flour is very high in protein. In fact, hemp flour contains an amazing level of protein at 33% and, of course, it is all plant based.


Hemp pasta and hemp flour is full of vitamins and minerals. It contains: Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Thiamine, Protein, Phosphorous, Folate, Vitamin C/A/E/B

Amino Acids

Hemp flour is loaded with amino acids, most notably omega 3’s and omega 6’s. Hemp flour is the perfect food to provide these nutrients!


Hemp flour is high in fiber which is necessary to keep your digestive system functioning well. Eating hemp pasta keep you feeling full and could help curb your appetite, leading to better weigh loss.

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